Meaning of kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevalee},kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevali} in english

Interpreting kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevalee},kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevali} - कलह{लंबे समय से चलनेवाली}
As noun :
feud Ex:  One of the more modern refinements of the blood feud is the duel.
Suggested : Also called blood feud a bitter, continuous hostility, especially between two families, clans, etc, often lasting for many years or generations
Exampleकलह{लंबे समय से चलनेवाली} का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevalee},kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevali}

Word of the day
kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevalee},kalaha{lanbe samay se chalanevali} can be used as noun.. No of characters: 25 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kalaha{la.nbe samaya se chalanevaalii}

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